About us
"Management center of photo and video recording electronic systems" is a non-profit organization with the status of a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").
The founder of the organization is the Republic of Armenia, represented by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (Decision No. 1091-N of 14.07.2022). On August 15, 2022, the Organization's charter was registered, followed by the approval of the staff list, budget, structure and the signing of the grant agreement with the Police of the RA.
The territory of the organization includes the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
The main purpose of the organization's activity is the detection of crimes and administrative offenses using technical means (cameras, speedometers, etc.), providing draft decisions on imposing administrative fines electronically.
The core of personnel policy is the involvement, teaching and training of qualified personnel. As a consequence, it is encouraged of the involvement of employees with locomotor problems, veterans of the war, and invalids.